Dear reader!
I am so thankful that you are reading my blog so I want to start by saying thanks^-^=
Then I am going to complain about my freaking cold.
I hate when I get sick. These colds take a toll on me.
My entire body aches, my head hurts, my everything is blaah.
Oki. Why do this happen to me??
All because I finished my cleaning and wanted to relax and enjoy my room.
Buhu I missed a day of work and I hope that it will only be one max two.
Thanks to off days^-^=
Oki time for bed. So that I can get better.
My whole life changes when I am sick.
Because I can't do more then lay in bed and watch movies.
And my brain is a sponge at this point.
Sad but true.
Oki no more complaints, talk to you when I feel better.
Have a nice night💗
I will try💗
Miki the fashionista 👘