My day^_^=


Fellow fashion pandas🐼

Today I have been running around the whole day^_^=
It started tonight with my dog^_^=

I got to bed at 3 or 4am
I got up and got ready for work.
At work I spent the time running around and helping people.
I got this from our sponsor:
Nice, in a poo bag.

After that I went to the big city to get fangs^_^=
Now I am going to learn how to put them on^_^=

After that I went home to eat^_^=
and then I went to Twinsis to help here make some cakes^_^=
We made a lot of nice stuff^_^=
Then I went home^_^=

Now I am relaxing because soon I am going on a walk before bed^_^=

I have a lot to do tomorrow^_^=

This was my stressful day^_^=
How was yours?

Have a Kawaii~tastic fashion night now fellow fashion pandas🐼
I know that I will^_^=

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