My day^_^=
Fellow fashion lovers
Today I tried my medicin again, and I don't like it, but I need it. Buhu(-_-)
Me and mom tried something new for lunch^_^=

Yummy yummy garlic chicken with vinegar vegetables.
After lunch I hade to go to the office to leav some papers.
Then I went shopping^_^=
This is what I got:

The tops 49.90kr/ each
The shoes 99kr
Eos lip balm 59.90kr
Maybeline baby skin 79.90kr
Leggings 79.50kr
Bruch 39.50kr
Hair treatment spray 79.50kr
And the kids clothes were a set for 99kr
Love the text on the t-shirt don't you?
It is perfect for my nephew^_^=

I got some more movies, but they are only 20kr/ each
I haven't seen two of the movies that I got can you guess which once?
A tip the are next to each outher^_^=
That was my day^_^=
Now I am going to get in from my walk then I am going to clean my bed while watching a movie on my computer.
Then I will sleep^_^=
Talk to you tomorrow^_^=
Have a Kawaii~tastic fashion night now fellow fashion lovers.
I know I will.