My week^_^=
Fellow fashion lovers
This will be my week:
Monday: work and more work.
I need to make a schedule for this month^_^=
Tuesday: a day with Twinsis we are birthday shopping^_^= so I need to get a list going.
Wednesday: I have to call my boss then I am going to work^_^= and clean.
Thursday: I am going to clean and then meet Nasse for coffee^_^=
Friday: I am going to meet Baka Yuki in the big city then we are going shopping then we are going home to cook with my mom, rest and open gifts^_^=
Saturday: first we are going to take a walk with BOO and Gaia.
Sunday: no plans yet.
Oki. Now I have to go.
Talk to you later.
Have a kawaii~tastic fashion afternoon now fashion lover.
I know that I will.